Dissertation Award 2023: Daniel Johansen Trosten

The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society presents the NAIS Dissertation Award to Daniel Johansen Trosten for his PhD thesis Improving Representation Learning for Deep Clustering and Few-shot Learning. The thesis was supervised by Michael C. Kampffmeyer at the University in Tromsø. Dr. Trosten studied two areas of deep learning that deal with limited data. First, he explored how to improve the quality of representations learned in deep clustering, especially for complex data with multiple views. Second, he investigated few-shot learning, where models learn from very few examples. The focus was on the role of the geometrical shape of the data representation in this context. Many recent methods use a specific shape called a hypersphere, and Trosten aimed to understand why this is a good choice for few-shot learning tasks. The thesis stood out because the work delves into critical aspects like representational alignment and the geometry of embeddings, leading to groundbreaking and state-of-the-art approaches in both domains. The impact is evident not only in the impressive number of publications in top conferences and journals – including first-authored works at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) and International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) – but also in the significant citations Read more…

Call for Papers: SCAI 2024 (Extended Submission Deadline)

The Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI), now in its 14th year, is set to unfold on the 10th and 11th of June 2024 at Jönköping University in Sweden. SCAI 2024 invites the academic and industrial communities to submit papers and attend this prominent event, which aims to showcase the latest advancements and research in Artificial Intelligence. Open Call for Papers Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to submit their papers for consideration. SCAI 2024 is looking for original contributions in a broad range of AI topics. The submission guidelines and procedures are detailed on the conference website. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in AI and to collaborate with peers from various sectors. Submission and Registration Key Dates Accepted papers will be published and acknowledged at Level 1, providing authors with a prestigious platform for their research. Registration The registration for SCAI 2024 is now open: https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/konferens/scai-symposium-2024/registration.html Joint Organization for Broader Impact In a show of unity and shared vision, the Norwegian AI Society (NAIS) and the Swedish AI Society (SAIS) are jointly organizing the event. This partnership is indicative of the collaborative spirit that drives the AI community forward. Networking Opportunities and Beyond Read more…

Call for Dissertation Awards 2024

The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society (NAIS) invites nominations for dissertation awards 2024. Doctoral theses that are defended after December 1, 2022, and until December 31, 2023, in the general area of ​Artificial Intelligence are eligible for submission. The winner of the dissertation awards will be invited to give a talk in the NAIS Symposium and will be submitted to the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) Dissertation Awards.

NAIS Symposium

The 2019 NAIS symposium was a success with a great program gathering participants from a wide range of universities and companies. There are lots of pictures taken by event participants connected to the twitter-tag #NAIS2019. Take a look at them here: https://twitter.com/hashtag/nais2019 We are also excited to announce that the 2020 edition of the symposium will be hosted by OsloMet! More information will follow soon.

announcing the 2019 NAIS symposium

The 2019 symposium of the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society (NAIS 2019) will take place at NTNU in Trondheim on 27th and 28th of May 2019. The symposium aims at bringing together researchers in Artificial Intelligence from Norway and Scandinavia. Contributions are welcome from all areas of Artificial Intelligence. See the call for papers here.